10 Word Games to Play with Friends and Family

10 Word Games to Play with Friends and Family

Are you tired of playing the same old games with your friends and family? Do you want to spice things up and try something new? Look no further than these 10 word games that are sure to provide hours of entertainment! From classic games to new twists on old favorites, there is something for everyone in this list. So gather your friends and family, grab some snacks, and get ready to have some fun!

1. Scrabble

How to Play:

  • Players draw seven letter tiles and try to form words on the board.
  • Each letter has a point value, and players try to score as many points as possible.
  • The game ends when all tiles are used or no one can make a word.

Scrabble is a classic word game that has been entertaining families for generations. It’s a great way to improve your vocabulary and test your spelling skills. With thousands of possible word combinations, every game is unique and challenging. Who will be crowned the Scrabble champion in your family?

2. Boggle

How to Play:

  • Players shake a grid of lettered dice and try to form words from the letters that appear.
  • Words must be at least three letters long and can only use each letter once.
  • Players score points based on the length and complexity of their words.

Boggle is a fast-paced and exciting word game that is perfect for groups of all ages. With only three minutes to find as many words as possible, players will need to think quickly and creatively to come up with the best words. The compact size of the game also makes it easy to bring along on road trips or vacations.

3. Bananagrams


How to Play:

  • Players draw letter tiles and try to form words on their own personal grid.
  • When a player uses all their tiles, they shout “Bananas!” and everyone draws another tile.
  • The game continues until all tiles are used or no one can make a word.

Bananagrams is a fun and fast-paced word game that is easy to learn and perfect for groups of all sizes. With no board to worry about, players can focus on forming the best words possible. The game can also be easily adapted for younger players by allowing them to use simpler words or giving them a smaller number of tiles.

4. Taboo

How to Play:

  • Players draw a card with a word on it and try to get their teammates to guess the word without using certain “taboo” words.
  • Players score points for each word guessed correctly.
  • The game continues until all cards have been used or a certain number of points have been reached.

Taboo is a word game that requires creativity and quick thinking. By avoiding certain words, players will need to come up with alternative ways to describe the word on their card. This game is also great for large groups and can be played with teams for added competition.

5. Ghost

How to Play:

  • Players take turns saying a letter to try and form a word.
  • The goal is to avoid completing a word, as the player who completes a word loses the round.
  • Players can challenge each other to prove the existence of a word they have formed.

Ghost is a fun and simple word game that is perfect for two players. It’s a great way to test your spelling skills and see who can come up with the longest and most complex words. The game is also easily adaptable for larger groups by playing in teams or having players take turns.

6. Hangman

How to Play:

  • One player thinks of a word and draws dashes for each letter.
  • The other player tries to guess the word by suggesting letters.
  • For each incorrect guess, a part of a hangman is drawn.

Hangman is a classic word game that has been played for generations. It’s a great way to improve your spelling and vocabulary while having fun. The game can be easily adapted for younger players by using simpler words or allowing them to work together to guess the word.

7. Word Association

How to Play:

  • One player says a word, and the next player says a word that is associated with the first word.
  • Players take turns saying associated words until no one can think of a new word.
  • The game can be played with a theme or without.

Word Association is a simple and fun game that requires no equipment or preparation. It’s a great way to improve your creativity and quick thinking while having fun with friends and family. The game can also be easily adapted for younger players by using simpler words or allowing them to work together to come up with associated words.

8. Word Ladder

How to Play:

  • One player says a word, and the next player says a word that differs from the previous word by only one letter.
  • Players take turns saying words until no one can think of a new word.
  • The game can be played with a theme or without.

Word Ladder is a challenging and fun game that requires players to think creatively and quickly. The game is also great for improving vocabulary and spelling skills. The game can be easily adapted for younger players by using simpler words or allowing them to work together to come up with words.

9. Anagrams

How to Play:

  • One player says a word, and the other players try to form as many words as possible using the letters in the word.
  • Players can take turns saying words, or a list of words can be provided.
  • The player with the most words at the end of the game wins.

Anagrams is a challenging and fun word game that is great for improving vocabulary and spelling skills. The game can be easily adapted for younger players by using simpler words or allowing them to work together to form words.

10. Word Guessing Game

How to Play:

  • One player thinks of a word and provides the number of letters and a category.
  • The other players take turns guessing letters to try and form the word.
  • Players can also guess the entire word if they think they know it.

The Word Guessing Game is a fun and challenging game that requires players to think creatively and use their knowledge of vocabulary and categories. The game is easily adaptable for younger players by using simpler words or categories, and it can also be played in teams to make it more collaborative.


There are so many word games to play with friends and family that can help improve your vocabulary, spelling, and creativity. Whether you prefer classic games like Scrabble and Hangman or newer games like Bananagrams and Ghost, there’s a game out there for everyone. The best part is that many of these games require no equipment or preparation, making them perfect for spontaneous game nights or long car rides. So gather your friends and family, pick a game, and let the fun begin!

Board, card & word games and books